Welcome to Clark County, Ohio Birds and Butterflies

Welcome to our website. Last updated 10/7/2024

Welcome to our website

Christmas Bird Count - Friday Dec 20

We have tentatively scheduled our CBC in 2024 on Friday, December 20. Our count last year was successful and the weather was all right. Hope many of you can participate again this year. There will be more information later.

Saturday, October 12   7:45 AM  South Charleston Bike Trail

We will be meeting along Route 41 just east of the grain storage elevators this morning. The walking will be on the paved bike trail so no need for boots. We should see several species of sparrows this morning. Late warblers are possible and we have a good chance of seeing the Eurasian Collared-Doves. Please contact Doug Overacker at cdoveracker @woh.rr.com to let him know you are coming or for additional information.

Recent Bird Sightings

Warblers are still migrating through the area. Yellow-rumped Warblers and Ruby-crowned Kinglets and Golden-crowned Kinglets are showing up. We have found a couple Winter Wrens also. A few sparrows are moving into our area and we have seen our first Yellow-bellied Sapsucker of the fall. With the cold front coming through a few more birds should show up.

Birding in Clark County

Check the Birding in Clark County tab for information on birding at Buck Creek State Park and Gallagher Fen. I hope to add information for other sites in the future.